TCL QM851G QD-Mini LED TV Fully Detailed Review

TCL QM851G QD-Mini LED TV Detailed Review
TCL QM851G QD-Mini LED TV Detailed Review
The TCL QM851G QD-Mini LED TV stands as a testament to innovation and performance. Boasting advanced QD-Mini LED backlighting technology, this television sets out to redefine viewing experiences with enhanced brightness, deeper contrasts, and vibrant colors. Equipped with features tailored for both cinematic enthusiasts and avid gamers, the QM851G promises to deliver immersive visuals and seamless connectivity in a sleek and sophisticated package. In this comprehensive review, we delve into its display quality, gaming prowess, smart TV capabilities, and overall value proposition to determine how it stacks up in the competitive landscape of premium televisions. Join us as we explore the TCL QM851G QD-Mini LED TV, where cutting-edge technology meets entertainment excellence.


Unboxing of The TCL QM851G QD-Mini LED TV

The unboxing experience of the TCL QM851G TV is quite exciting, given the anticipation of experiencing its impressive features. Here’s a detailed review of the unboxing process:


The TCL QM851G arrives in a sturdy, well-designed box that reflects the premium nature of the product. The packaging is robust, designed to protect the TV during transit, and it includes clear branding and images of the TV, highlighting its key features such as 4K Ultra HD resolution, Quantum Dot technology, and support for various HDR formats.

Opening the Box

  1. Initial Impression: The box is sealed securely with strong tape. Upon opening, the first layer usually consists of a quick start guide and warranty information, ensuring that users can easily access these documents without having to dig through the packaging.
  2. Protection Layers: The TV is encased in multiple layers of protective materials, including Styrofoam and plastic wrap. This ensures the screen and frame are well-protected from any potential damage during transportation.

Components Inside the Box

  1. TV Unit: The main attraction, the TCL QM851G TV, is carefully packed. It’s recommended to have two people lift the TV out of the box to avoid any damage due to its size and weight.
  2. Stand/Base: Depending on the size of the TV, there might be a stand or base included. The components for the stand are usually packed separately within the Styrofoam for added protection. The stand is typically metal or a high-quality plastic, ensuring stability once the TV is set up.
  3. Remote Control: The remote control, batteries, and any other essential accessories are packed in a separate, clearly labeled section. The remote often features voice control capabilities and dedicated buttons for popular streaming services.
  4. Cables: An HDMI cable, power cable, and sometimes other essential cables (like optical audio cables) are included. These are usually tied neatly and placed in a designated area within the box.
  5. Manuals and Guides: Comprehensive manuals, including a quick setup guide and detailed user manual, are provided. These guides are well-organized, helping users with the initial setup and configuration of the TV.


  1. Stand Assembly: If using the stand, the assembly is straightforward, with clear instructions. The screws and required tools are provided in a separate packet, and the manual provides step-by-step guidance.
  2. Mounting Option: If you prefer wall mounting, the back of the TV has standard VESA mount holes. Wall mounting hardware is not always included, so you may need to purchase a compatible mount separately.
  3. Connecting Cables: The TV has multiple ports, including HDMI, USB, Ethernet, and more. Connecting these cables is simple, with ports clearly labeled and accessible.
  4. Powering On: Once the TV is securely placed on its stand or mounted, and all cables are connected, powering on the TV for the first time is an exciting moment. The initial setup wizard guides you through language selection, Wi-Fi setup, and account login for various smart TV features.

Initial Impressions

Upon powering on, the TCL QM851G impresses with its vibrant display. The setup process is user-friendly, with on-screen instructions guiding you through each step. The TV’s interface is responsive, and initial calibration options are available to optimize picture quality according to your preferences.

Unboxing Conclusion

Unboxing the TCL QM851G TV is reflecting the care and thought TCL puts into its products. From robust packaging to easy-to-follow setup instructions, the process is designed to be smooth and enjoyable. The inclusion of necessary accessories and a user-friendly initial setup process ensure that users can quickly start enjoying the impressive features of their new TV.

Design and Build Quality of TCL QM851G QD-Mini LED TV

The TCL QM851G QD-Mini LED TV showcases an impressive design and build quality that complements its advanced display and audio technologies. Here’s a detailed review of these aspects:


  1. Aesthetic Appeal:
    • The TCL QM851G features a sleek and modern design, making it an attractive addition to any living room or entertainment space. The minimalist approach ensures that the TV looks elegant and contemporary, fitting well with various decor styles.
    • The ultra-thin bezels around the screen enhance the immersive viewing experience by minimizing distractions. This design choice also gives the TV a more premium look, often associated with higher-end models.
  2. Materials and Finish:
    • The TV is constructed using high-quality materials, giving it a solid and durable feel. The frame and back panel are typically made from sturdy plastics or metal, ensuring longevity and resistance to wear and tear.
    • The finish is usually smooth and refined, with attention to detail evident in the seamless edges and corners. The back of the TV often has a textured pattern or a smooth matte finish, adding to the overall aesthetic.
  3. Stand Design:
    • The QM851G comes with a stylish and stable stand that supports the TV securely. The stand is usually made from metal or high-quality plastic, providing both durability and an elegant look.
    • The design of the stand often allows for some cable management, helping to keep the setup tidy by concealing wires and cables. This feature is particularly useful for maintaining a clean and organized entertainment area.
  4. Slim Profile:
    • One of the key design features of the QM851G is its slim profile. Despite housing advanced technologies like QD-Mini LED backlighting, the TV maintains a thin and lightweight design.
    • This slim profile makes the TV easy to mount on the wall, saving space and giving your room a modern, streamlined appearance.

Build Quality

  1. Durability:
    • The build quality of the TCL QM851G is robust, reflecting TCL’s commitment to producing durable and long-lasting products. The TV feels solid and well-constructed, with no noticeable flex or creaking when handled.
    • The materials used in the construction are of high quality, ensuring that the TV can withstand regular use without degrading in performance or appearance.
  2. Port Layout and Accessibility:
    • The QM851G is designed with user convenience in mind, featuring well-organized and easily accessible ports. The rear and side panels host a variety of inputs, including HDMI, USB, Ethernet, and audio outputs, making it easy to connect multiple devices.
    • The ports are often labeled clearly, and their placement ensures that you can reach them without difficulty, even when the TV is mounted on the wall.
  3. Ventilation and Heat Management:
    • Proper ventilation is critical for maintaining performance and longevity, especially in a high-end TV like the QM851G. TCL has designed this model with adequate ventilation slots to ensure efficient heat dissipation.
    • The placement of these vents helps to keep the TV cool during extended viewing sessions, preventing overheating and potential damage to internal components.
  4. Ease of Assembly:
    • Setting up the TCL QM851G is straightforward, with clear instructions provided in the manual. The TV and stand can be assembled quickly, with all necessary screws and tools included in the package.
    • Wall mounting is also simplified with standard VESA mount compatibility, allowing you to use a wide range of third-party mounting solutions.

User Experience Enhancements

  1. Remote Control:
    • The remote control that comes with the QM851G is designed for ease of use, featuring an ergonomic layout and responsive buttons. It often includes dedicated buttons for popular streaming services, voice control capabilities, and quick access to settings.
    • The remote’s design complements the TV’s aesthetics, providing a cohesive and user-friendly experience.
  2. Smart Cable Management:
    • TCL has incorporated smart cable management solutions into the design of the QM851G. Channels or clips at the back of the TV help to route cables neatly, reducing clutter and maintaining a clean look.
    • This feature is particularly beneficial for users who connect multiple devices, ensuring that cables do not detract from the TV’s sleek appearance.

Design and Build Quality Conclusion

The TCL QM851G QD-Mini LED TV excels in both design and build quality, offering a product that is not only visually appealing but also robust and user-friendly. The sleek, modern design with ultra-thin bezels enhances the viewing experience, while high-quality materials and solid construction ensure durability. The thoughtful layout of ports, effective ventilation, and smart cable management further enhance the overall user experience. Whether mounted on the wall or placed on a stand, the QM851G stands out as a premium television that complements its advanced technological features with exceptional design and build quality.

Display Technology of TCL QM851G QD-Mini LED TV

The TCL QM851G QD-Mini LED TV combines Quantum Dot and Mini LED technologies to deliver an exceptional viewing experience. Here’s a detailed review of its display technology:

Quantum Dot Technology

1. Enhanced Color Accuracy:

  • Quantum Dot (QD) Layer: The TV incorporates a Quantum Dot layer, which significantly enhances color accuracy. Quantum Dots are semiconductor nanocrystals that emit specific colors when illuminated, providing a wider color gamut.
  • Wide Color Gamut: This technology allows the TCL QM851G to cover a broader spectrum of colors compared to traditional LED TVs. It can reproduce vivid and lifelike colors, making the viewing experience more immersive.

2. Brightness and HDR Performance:

  • High Brightness Levels: Quantum Dots help the TV achieve higher brightness levels without losing color accuracy. This is particularly beneficial for HDR content, where maintaining brightness and color integrity is crucial.
  • Improved HDR: The enhanced color performance complements HDR (High Dynamic Range) content, offering greater detail in both bright and dark scenes.

Mini LED Technology

1. Precise Backlight Control:

  • Mini LED Backlighting: The TV utilizes Mini LED technology for its backlighting system. Mini LEDs are significantly smaller than traditional LEDs, allowing for more precise control over the backlight.
  • Increased Number of Dimming Zones: The TCL QM851G features a large number of dimming zones, thanks to the Mini LEDs. This results in better local dimming, reducing halo effects and improving contrast.

2. Enhanced Contrast:

  • Deeper Blacks: The precise control over the backlighting helps in achieving deeper blacks. This is particularly noticeable in dark scenes, where the TV can turn off or dim individual zones to produce true black levels.
  • Higher Contrast Ratios: The combination of deeper blacks and brighter highlights results in higher contrast ratios, enhancing the overall picture quality.

Combined Benefits of QD and Mini LED

1. Superior Picture Quality:

  • Color and Contrast Synergy: The synergy between Quantum Dot and Mini LED technologies ensures that the TCL QM851G delivers exceptional picture quality. You get the benefit of vibrant, accurate colors along with deep blacks and high contrast.
  • Realistic Images: The enhanced color accuracy and improved contrast make the images on the screen appear more realistic and detailed, providing a superior viewing experience.

2. Viewing Experience:

  • Uniform Brightness: The Mini LED backlighting ensures uniform brightness across the screen, minimizing issues like backlight bleeding and screen uniformity problems.
  • Wide Viewing Angles: While LCD panels typically struggle with viewing angles, the combination of QD and Mini LED helps maintain color and contrast consistency across a wider range of angles.

Performance in Various Content

1. Movies and TV Shows:

  • Cinematic Quality: The TCL QM851G excels in displaying movies and TV shows, especially those mastered in HDR. The enhanced color and contrast bring cinematic quality to your home viewing experience.
  • Detail in Shadows and Highlights: The TV’s ability to render fine details in both shadows and highlights makes it ideal for watching content with high dynamic range.

2. Gaming:

  • Vibrant Graphics: For gamers, the vibrant colors and high contrast enhance the visual experience, making games look more lifelike.
  • Low Latency: TCL TVs generally offer gaming features like low input lag and variable refresh rates, and the QM851G is no exception, ensuring a smooth gaming experience.

3. Sports:

  • Smooth Motion: The TV’s technology ensures smooth motion handling, reducing blur during fast-paced sports action.
  • Bright and Clear: The high brightness levels and vivid colors make sports broadcasts more engaging and enjoyable.

Motion Handling and Refresh Rate

  1. Smooth Motion: The TCL QM851G features a high refresh rate, often 120Hz or higher, which is crucial for smooth motion handling. This is particularly beneficial for fast-paced content such as sports and action movies. The TV employs motion interpolation technology to reduce motion blur and judder, ensuring a clear and fluid viewing experience.
  2. Gaming Performance: For gamers, the TCL QM851G offers features like Variable Refresh Rate (VRR) and low input lag, making it an excellent choice for gaming. The high refresh rate and quick response times provide a responsive and immersive gaming experience.

Overall Visual Experience

The integration of Quantum Dot and Mini LED technologies in the TCL QM851G results in a display that excels in color accuracy, brightness, contrast, and overall picture quality. The TV’s ability to deliver stunning HDR performance, along with smooth motion handling and excellent uniformity, makes it a standout option for a wide range of viewing scenarios, from movies and TV shows to gaming.

Display Technology Conclusion

The TCL QM851G QD-Mini LED TV stands out due to its advanced display technologies. The combination of Quantum Dot and Mini LED results in outstanding color accuracy, superior contrast, and enhanced brightness, providing an exceptional viewing experience across all types of content. Whether you're watching movies, playing games, or enjoying sports, this TV delivers impressive picture quality that enhances the overall entertainment experience.

Brightness and Refresh Rate of TCL QM851G QD-Mini LED TV


The TCL QM851G QD-Mini LED TV excels in brightness due to its advanced display technologies, providing an impressive viewing experience across various lighting conditions. Here’s a detailed breakdown:

  1. Peak Brightness:
    • The QD-Mini LED technology allows the QM851G to achieve exceptionally high peak brightness levels. This is particularly beneficial for HDR (High Dynamic Range) content, where the contrast between the brightest and darkest parts of the image is critical for delivering the intended visual impact.
    • Typical peak brightness levels for this model can reach up to 1000 nits or more, depending on the content and settings. This high peak brightness ensures that highlights in HDR content are displayed with vivid intensity, enhancing the realism and immersion.
  2. Sustained Brightness:
    • The TV maintains high sustained brightness, ensuring that not only peak highlights but also general viewing content appears bright and clear. This consistency is crucial for day-to-day viewing, especially in well-lit rooms where ambient light can wash out the image on less capable TVs.
  3. Brightness Uniformity:
    • Thanks to the Mini LED backlighting, the QM851G offers excellent brightness uniformity across the screen. This uniformity minimizes issues like hot spots or dark corners, providing a consistent viewing experience regardless of screen size or viewing angle.
  4. Local Dimming:
    • The high number of local dimming zones enabled by Mini LED technology allows for precise control of brightness across different parts of the screen. This enhances contrast and prevents the blooming effect, where bright areas bleed into dark ones. It results in deeper blacks and more defined bright areas, contributing to a more dynamic and engaging picture.

Refresh Rate

The TCL QM851G QD-Mini LED TV is designed to deliver smooth motion and responsiveness, making it suitable for a variety of content, including sports, movies, and gaming. Here’s an in-depth look at its refresh rate capabilities:

  1. Native Refresh Rate:
    • The QM851G typically features a native refresh rate of 120Hz. This high refresh rate ensures that fast-moving content, such as action scenes or sports, is displayed smoothly without significant motion blur or judder.
    • A 120Hz refresh rate means the TV refreshes the image 120 times per second, providing a fluid and clear motion, which is particularly beneficial for reducing motion artifacts.
  2. Motion Enhancement Technologies:
    • The TV incorporates motion interpolation technology, often branded as Motion Rate or similar, which helps to smooth out fast-paced action by inserting intermediate frames between actual frames. This technology can be particularly useful for watching high-speed sports or action movies.
  3. Variable Refresh Rate (VRR):
    • For gamers, the QM851G supports Variable Refresh Rate (VRR), which synchronizes the TV's refresh rate with the frame rate output of a compatible gaming console or PC. This eliminates screen tearing and stuttering, providing a smoother gaming experience.
    • VRR is especially beneficial in gaming scenarios where frame rates can fluctuate, ensuring the gameplay remains smooth and responsive.
  4. Low Input Lag:
    • The TV boasts low input lag, making it highly responsive for gaming. Input lag refers to the delay between a command from a controller and the action appearing on the screen. A lower input lag is crucial for fast-paced and competitive gaming, providing a more immediate and immersive experience.
  5. Enhanced Motion Handling:
    • The combination of a high refresh rate and advanced motion handling technologies ensures that the QM851G can handle various content types effectively. Whether you’re watching a high-octane action movie, a fast-moving sports game, or engaging in intense gaming sessions, the TV delivers smooth and clear motion.

Brightness and Refresh Rate Conclusion

The TCL QM851G QD-Mini LED TV stands out with its impressive brightness and superior refresh rate capabilities. The high peak and sustained brightness levels ensure that HDR content looks stunning and vibrant, even in bright rooms. The advanced Mini LED backlighting provides excellent brightness uniformity and enhanced contrast through precise local dimming.

On the refresh rate front, the native 120Hz panel, combined with motion enhancement technologies and VRR support, ensures smooth and fluid motion for all types of content. The low input lag further enhances the gaming experience, making the QM851G a versatile choice for both entertainment and gaming enthusiasts.

Resolution and HDR Support of TCL QM851G QD-Mini LED TV

The TCL QM851G QD-Mini LED TV is a high-end television that excels in both resolution and HDR support, providing an exceptional viewing experience. Here’s a detailed review of these aspects:


  1. 4K Ultra HD Resolution:
    • The TCL QM851G features a 4K Ultra HD resolution of 3840 x 2160 pixels. This resolution provides four times the detail of Full HD (1080p), resulting in a sharper and more detailed picture.
    • The high pixel density ensures that images are crisp and clear, even on larger screen sizes, making it ideal for modern high-definition content.
  2. Upscaling Technology:
    • TCL’s advanced upscaling technology ensures that lower-resolution content, such as standard HD or Full HD videos, is upscaled to near-4K quality. This process enhances the detail and clarity of non-4K content, making it more enjoyable to watch on the high-resolution screen.
  3. Quantum Dot Enhancement:
    • The integration of Quantum Dot technology further enhances the resolution by improving color accuracy and vibrancy. This means that the 4K content looks even more stunning, with lifelike colors and greater detail in every scene.

HDR Support

  1. Multiple HDR Formats:
    • The TCL QM851G supports a wide range of HDR (High Dynamic Range) formats, including HDR10, HDR10+, HLG (Hybrid Log Gamma), and Dolby Vision. This comprehensive support ensures compatibility with various HDR content available from different streaming services, Blu-ray discs, and broadcast TV.
  2. HDR10 and HDR10+:
    • HDR10: This is the basic HDR format that enhances the brightness, contrast, and color depth of compatible content. It uses static metadata to set the tone mapping for the entire video, improving overall picture quality.
    • HDR10+: This format builds on HDR10 by using dynamic metadata, which adjusts the tone mapping scene by scene or frame by frame. This results in more precise color and contrast adjustments, ensuring that each scene looks its best.
  3. Dolby Vision:
    • Dolby Vision is one of the most advanced HDR formats available. It uses dynamic metadata to optimize the picture quality on a scene-by-scene basis, offering superior brightness, contrast, and color accuracy compared to HDR10. Dolby Vision content delivers an incredibly immersive viewing experience with stunning detail and vibrant colors.
  4. HLG (Hybrid Log Gamma):
    • HLG is an HDR format designed for broadcast TV. It is backward compatible with SDR (Standard Dynamic Range) TVs, allowing broadcasters to deliver HDR content without affecting the viewing experience on non-HDR TVs. This format ensures that live TV broadcasts can take advantage of HDR’s enhanced picture quality.
  5. Brightness and Contrast:
    • The QD-Mini LED technology plays a significant role in enhancing HDR performance. With high peak brightness levels and precise local dimming, the TV can display HDR content with greater impact. Bright highlights are rendered vividly, while dark scenes retain deep blacks and fine shadow details.
  6. Wide Color Gamut:
    • The Quantum Dot technology contributes to a wide color gamut, enabling the TV to display a broader range of colors. This is particularly beneficial for HDR content, as it ensures that the colors are more lifelike and nuanced, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Viewing Experience

  1. Clarity and Detail:
    • The combination of 4K resolution and HDR support ensures that the TCL QM851G delivers exceptional clarity and detail. Whether you are watching movies, TV shows, or playing video games, the high resolution and enhanced dynamic range make every image look more realistic and engaging.
  2. Immersive Visuals:
    • The TV’s ability to handle multiple HDR formats means that you can enjoy a wide variety of content with improved picture quality. The dynamic range and color accuracy provided by HDR10+, Dolby Vision, and other formats create a truly immersive viewing experience.
  3. Future-Proofing:
    • With support for all major HDR formats, the TCL QM851G is future-proofed to handle upcoming HDR content. This ensures that you can continue to enjoy high-quality visuals as more content providers adopt these advanced formats.

Resolution and HDR Support Conclusion

The TCL QM851G QD-Mini LED TV excels in delivering a high-resolution viewing experience with comprehensive HDR support. The 4K Ultra HD resolution ensures sharp and detailed images, while the advanced Quantum Dot technology enhances color accuracy and vibrancy. The support for multiple HDR formats, including HDR10, HDR10+, HLG, and Dolby Vision, ensures that you can enjoy a wide range of content with superior brightness, contrast, and color accuracy. The combination of these features makes the TCL QM851G an excellent choice for anyone seeking a top-tier viewing experience.

Audio Quality of TCL QM851G QD-Mini LED TV

The TCL QM851G QD-Mini LED TV is not only a visual powerhouse but also aims to provide a satisfying audio experience. Here’s a detailed review of its audio quality:

Built-in Audio Features

  1. Speaker System:
    • The QM851G is equipped with a built-in speaker system designed to deliver clear and immersive sound. Typically, it includes multiple drivers (such as mid-range and high-frequency speakers) to cover a broad range of audio frequencies.
    • The configuration often includes down-firing or front-firing speakers to ensure sound dispersion that fills the room adequately.
  2. Audio Power Output:
    • The TV usually features a decent power output, often around 20 to 30 watts or higher. This ensures that the audio is loud enough for most living rooms without requiring external speakers for regular viewing.

Sound Quality

  1. Clarity and Detail:
    • The QM851G delivers clear and detailed sound, which is crucial for dialogue-heavy content like news, talk shows, and dramas. Voices come through crisply, making it easy to follow conversations even at lower volumes.
    • The built-in speakers handle mid and high frequencies well, ensuring that music and sound effects are also clear and precise.
  2. Bass Performance:
    • While the built-in speakers provide adequate bass, it’s usually not as deep or powerful as that produced by dedicated subwoofers. The bass is sufficient for casual viewing but might lack the punch needed for action movies or bass-heavy music genres.
  3. Soundstage and Imaging:
    • The TV offers a reasonably good soundstage, creating a sense of spatial audio that helps in making the viewing experience more immersive. Stereo separation ensures that sound effects and music are spread out across the listening area, enhancing the sense of immersion.
    • Imaging, or the ability to place sounds accurately within the soundstage, is decent. You can discern the direction of certain sounds, which is beneficial for a more engaging experience, especially in movies and games.

Audio Technologies

  1. Dolby Atmos:
    • The QM851G supports Dolby Atmos, an advanced audio technology that creates a more immersive sound experience by adding height channels. This means sound can move around you in a three-dimensional space, providing a more realistic audio experience.
    • While the built-in speakers can only provide a limited Dolby Atmos experience, the TV is compatible with external Dolby Atmos soundbars or home theater systems for a more complete experience.
  2. DTS Support:
    • The TV also supports DTS (Digital Theater Systems) audio formats, which enhance sound quality by providing high-definition audio decoding. This is particularly useful for Blu-ray discs and streaming services that offer DTS-encoded content.
  3. Sound Modes and Customization:
    • The QM851G typically includes several sound modes, such as Standard, Movie, Music, and Custom. These preset modes adjust the audio settings to best suit different types of content.
    • Custom mode allows you to tweak the audio settings manually, adjusting parameters like bass, treble, and balance to match your personal preferences.

Connectivity and External Audio

    • The TV features HDMI ARC (Audio Return Channel) or eARC (enhanced Audio Return Channel), allowing you to connect it to external audio systems with a single HDMI cable. This simplifies the setup and ensures high-quality audio transmission.
  2. Optical and Audio Out:
    • An optical audio out port provides another option for connecting external sound systems, offering high-quality digital audio output.
    • There is also a standard 3.5mm audio out port for connecting to headphones or older audio systems.
  3. Bluetooth and Wireless Audio:
    • The QM851G supports Bluetooth audio, enabling you to wirelessly connect to Bluetooth headphones, soundbars, or speakers. This is convenient for a clutter-free setup and versatile listening options.

Overall Audio Experience

The audio quality of the TCL QM851G QD-Mini LED TV is commendable for a built-in system. It provides clear and detailed sound, suitable for general viewing. The inclusion of advanced audio technologies like Dolby Atmos and DTS support enhances the overall experience, making it more immersive and dynamic. However, for a truly high-end audio experience, especially for audiophiles or those who enjoy home theater setups, pairing the TV with a dedicated soundbar or home audio system is recommended.

Audio Quality Conclusion

The TCL QM851G QD-Mini LED TV offers a well-rounded audio experience that complements its impressive visual capabilities. The built-in speakers provide clear, detailed sound suitable for everyday viewing, while advanced features like Dolby Atmos and DTS support add a layer of audio sophistication. Connectivity options for external audio systems ensure that users can easily upgrade their audio experience. Overall, the QM851G delivers satisfying audio performance, making it a solid choice for both casual viewers and home entertainment enthusiasts.

Smart TV Platform and Connectivity of TCL QM851G QD-Mini LED TV

The TCL QM851G QD-Mini LED TV features a robust Smart TV platform and extensive connectivity options, enhancing its usability and integrating seamlessly with modern digital lifestyles. Here’s a detailed review of these aspects:

Smart TV Platform

  1. Operating System:
    • The TCL QM851G typically runs on the Google TV platform, which is a rebranded and enhanced version of Android TV. Google TV provides a user-friendly interface with a focus on content discovery, personalized recommendations, and seamless integration with Google services.
  2. User Interface:
    • The Google TV interface is clean and intuitive, with a home screen that aggregates content from various streaming services, making it easy to find what you want to watch.
    • The interface is customizable, allowing you to pin your favorite apps and content for quick access. Recommendations are based on your viewing habits, improving over time to suggest content you’re likely to enjoy.
  3. App Ecosystem:
    • The TV has access to the Google Play Store, which offers a vast selection of apps, including popular streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, Amazon Prime Video, and YouTube.
    • In addition to streaming apps, you can download games, utility apps, and other entertainment options, expanding the functionality of your TV beyond traditional viewing.
  4. Voice Control and Virtual Assistants:
    • The QM851G supports Google Assistant, allowing you to use voice commands to search for content, control playback, adjust settings, and even manage smart home devices. The integration with Google Assistant provides a hands-free experience, enhancing convenience.
    • The TV is also compatible with Amazon Alexa, enabling similar voice control capabilities if you prefer Amazon’s ecosystem.
  5. Content Aggregation and Recommendations:
    • Google TV aggregates content from multiple sources into a unified interface, making it easier to find and watch your favorite shows and movies without switching between different apps.
    • Personalized recommendations improve over time, based on your viewing history and preferences, ensuring that you always have something interesting to watch.
  6. Chromecast Built-In:
    • Chromecast is built into the TV, allowing you to cast content from your smartphone, tablet, or laptop directly to the screen. This feature is useful for sharing photos, videos, or even mirroring your entire device screen.

Connectivity Options

  1. Wired Connectivity

    • HDMI Ports:

The TV includes multiple HDMI 2.1 ports (typically four), supporting features like 4K at 120Hz, Variable Refresh Rate (VRR), Auto Low Latency Mode (ALLM), and Enhanced Audio Return Channel (eARC). These ports ensure compatibility with the latest gaming consoles, Blu-ray players, and other high-definition devices.

    • USB Ports:

At least two USB 3.0 ports are available for connecting external storage devices, allowing you to play media files directly from USB drives. These ports can also be used to connect peripherals like webcams or keyboards.

    • Ethernet Port:

An Ethernet port provides a stable and reliable internet connection, which is particularly useful for streaming high-definition content and online gaming.

    • Optical Audio Output:

The optical audio output allows for high-quality digital audio connection to external sound systems or soundbars.

    • Analog Audio Outputs:

A 3.5mm headphone jack and RCA audio outputs offer flexibility for connecting to older audio equipment.

  1. Wireless Connectivity

    • Wi-Fi:

The QM851G supports dual-band Wi-Fi (2.4GHz and 5GHz), ensuring a strong and stable wireless connection for streaming, browsing, and using smart TV features.

    • Bluetooth:

Bluetooth connectivity allows you to pair the TV with wireless peripherals such as headphones, speakers, and game controllers, providing a clutter-free setup and versatile listening options.

    • Screen Mirroring and Casting:

Support for Miracast, Google Cast, and AirPlay enables you to mirror your smartphone, tablet, or computer screen to the TV. This feature is convenient for sharing content or presentations directly on the large screen.

  1. Advanced Connectivity Features

    • HDMI eARC:

The HDMI eARC port allows for high-bandwidth audio connection to compatible soundbars and home theater systems. This supports high-quality audio formats like Dolby Atmos and DTS, providing an immersive sound experience.

    • Variable Refresh Rate (VRR) and Auto Low Latency Mode (ALLM):

These features cater to gamers by synchronizing the TV’s refresh rate with the frame rate of the gaming console or PC, reducing screen tearing and input lag.

    • Smart Home Integration:

The TV integrates with smart home platforms, allowing you to control it using voice commands and incorporate it into your smart home routines. For example, you can use Google Assistant or Alexa to turn the TV on or off, adjust the volume, or change channels as part of an automated routine.

Smart TV Platform and Connectivity Conclusion

The TCL QM851G QD-Mini LED TV offers a comprehensive Smart TV platform with Google TV, providing an intuitive interface, extensive app ecosystem, and robust voice control capabilities. Its connectivity options are equally impressive, featuring multiple HDMI 2.1 ports, USB 3.0, Ethernet, and various audio outputs. The built-in Chromecast and compatibility with Miracast and AirPlay enhance its versatility, while advanced features like HDMI eARC, VRR, and ALLM cater to high-end audio setups and gaming enthusiasts. Overall, the TCL QM851G is well-equipped to meet the demands of modern home entertainment, providing a seamless and enjoyable viewing experience.

Gaming Features of TCL QM851G QD-Mini LED TV

The TCL QM851G QD-Mini LED TV is designed to deliver an exceptional gaming experience, packed with features that cater specifically to gamers. Here’s a detailed review of the gaming features of this TV:

Gaming-Specific Features

  1. HDMI 2.1 Ports:
    • The TV includes multiple HDMI 2.1 ports, which support high bandwidth and advanced gaming features. HDMI 2.1 allows for 4K resolution at 120Hz, providing ultra-smooth and detailed visuals that are essential for a high-quality gaming experience.
    • These ports also support Variable Refresh Rate (VRR) and Auto Low Latency Mode (ALLM), which are crucial for modern gaming.
  2. 4K Resolution at 120Hz:
    • The QM851G supports 4K gaming at a refresh rate of 120Hz, which is ideal for fast-paced and graphically intensive games. This high refresh rate ensures smooth motion and reduces motion blur, providing a clear and immersive gaming experience.
    • The high resolution ensures that games look sharp and detailed, enhancing the overall visual experience.
  3. Variable Refresh Rate (VRR):
    • VRR synchronizes the TV’s refresh rate with the frame rate output by the gaming console or PC. This feature reduces screen tearing and stuttering, providing a smoother and more responsive gaming experience.
    • VRR is particularly beneficial for action-packed and fast-moving games, where maintaining a consistent frame rate is crucial.
  4. Auto Low Latency Mode (ALLM):
    • ALLM automatically switches the TV to a low latency mode when it detects a gaming device. This reduces input lag, ensuring that your actions are reflected on the screen without delay.
    • Low latency is essential for competitive gaming, where quick response times can make a significant difference.
  5. Game Mode:
    • The TV includes a dedicated Game Mode that optimizes settings for gaming. This mode reduces input lag and enhances the picture quality to provide the best possible gaming experience.
    • Game Mode often adjusts settings like brightness, contrast, and color accuracy to suit gaming needs, ensuring that you see every detail clearly.

Performance and Image Quality

  1. QD-Mini LED Technology:
    • The QD-Mini LED technology in the QM851G provides superior brightness and contrast, enhancing the visual experience in games. The mini LEDs allow for precise local dimming, resulting in deeper blacks and brighter highlights.
    • Quantum Dot technology enhances color accuracy and vibrancy, ensuring that games look lifelike and immersive.
  2. HDR Gaming:
    • The TV supports multiple HDR formats, including HDR10, HDR10+, and Dolby Vision. HDR enhances the dynamic range of the picture, providing more detail in the brightest and darkest parts of the image.
    • HDR gaming on the QM851G ensures that games look more realistic, with vivid colors and better contrast.
  3. Wide Color Gamut:
    • The Quantum Dot technology enables a wide color gamut, allowing the TV to display a broader range of colors. This is particularly beneficial for games with rich and detailed graphics.
    • The wide color gamut ensures that colors are accurate and vibrant, enhancing the visual appeal of games.

Additional Features for Gamers

  1. AMD FreeSync Premium:
    • The QM851G often supports AMD FreeSync Premium, a technology that reduces screen tearing and stuttering by synchronizing the frame rate of the game with the TV’s refresh rate.
    • This feature is especially useful for gamers using PCs with AMD graphics cards, providing a smoother gaming experience.
  2. Enhanced Audio for Gaming:
    • The TV includes Dolby Atmos support, providing immersive audio that enhances the gaming experience. Dolby Atmos creates a 3D soundscape, allowing you to hear sounds from all directions.
    • This audio feature is crucial for gaming, as it helps in locating in-game sounds, such as footsteps or gunfire, adding to the immersion.
  3. Gaming Dashboard:
    • Some models of the QM851G include a gaming dashboard that provides quick access to gaming settings. This dashboard allows you to adjust settings like VRR, ALLM, and Game Mode without leaving your game.
    • The gaming dashboard also displays real-time information about the current frame rate and other performance metrics.

Connectivity and Compatibility

  1. Multiple HDMI 2.1 Ports:
    • With several HDMI 2.1 ports, you can connect multiple gaming devices simultaneously, such as a PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, and a gaming PC. This eliminates the need for constantly switching cables.
    • The HDMI 2.1 ports also ensure future compatibility with upcoming gaming technologies.
  2. Bluetooth and USB Connectivity:
    • The TV supports Bluetooth, allowing you to connect wireless gaming peripherals like controllers and headsets. This enhances convenience and reduces cable clutter.
    • USB ports enable you to connect additional accessories or use USB drives to store and play game data.
  3. Smart Features:
    • The Google TV platform provides access to gaming apps and streaming services, allowing you to download and play games directly on the TV. Cloud gaming services, such as Google Stadia and NVIDIA GeForce Now, are often supported, expanding your gaming options.
    • The integration with Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa allows for voice control, making it easy to launch games, adjust settings, and manage your gaming environment.

Gaming Features Conclusion

The TCL QM851G QD-Mini LED TV is a powerful choice for gamers, offering a range of features that enhance the gaming experience. From HDMI 2.1 ports supporting 4K at 120Hz and VRR to low latency modes and HDR support, the TV is well-equipped to handle the demands of modern gaming. The QD-Mini LED and Quantum Dot technologies provide stunning visuals with vibrant colors and deep contrasts, while features like AMD FreeSync Premium and Dolby Atmos audio add to the immersion. With robust connectivity options and smart features, the QM851G ensures a versatile and future-proof gaming setup.

Price and Availability of TCL QM851G QD-Mini LED TV

The QM851G series is positioned in the higher price range, reflecting its premium features. Prices at launch are:

    • 65" model: $1,999.99
    • 75" model: $2,699.99
    • 85" model: $3,999.99
    • 98" model: $7,999.99

Overall Pros and Cons of TCL QM851G QD-Mini LED TV

The TCL QM851G QD-Mini LED TV offers several advantages and a few considerations that potential buyers should be aware of. Here’s an overview of the overall pros and cons:


  1. QD-Mini LED Technology:

Pros: QD-Mini LED backlighting enhances brightness, contrast, and color accuracy. It provides deep blacks and vivid colors, offering a superior viewing experience compared to traditional LED TVs.

  1. 4K Resolution with HDR Support:

Pros: Supports 4K Ultra HD resolution and HDR formats (HDR10, HDR10+, Dolby Vision), delivering detailed and lifelike visuals with enhanced brightness and contrast.

  1. Advanced Gaming Features:

Pros: HDMI 2.1 ports support 4K gaming at 120Hz, Variable Refresh Rate (VRR), Auto Low Latency Mode (ALLM), and AMD FreeSync Premium. These features minimize input lag, screen tearing, and ensure smooth gameplay.

  1. Smart TV Capabilities:

Pros: Runs on the Google TV platform, providing a user-friendly interface with access to a wide range of apps, streaming services, and Google Assistant for voice control. Offers seamless integration with smart home devices.

  1. Dolby Atmos Support:

Pros: Enhances the audio experience with immersive, multidimensional sound, particularly beneficial for movies and gaming.

  1. Design and Build Quality:

Pros: Sleek and modern design with thin bezels. Built with high-quality materials, offering durability and a premium look.

  1. Connectivity Options:

Pros: Multiple HDMI 2.1 ports, USB ports, Ethernet, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi connectivity options. Supports screen mirroring and casting, ensuring versatile connectivity for various devices.


  1. Price:

Cons: QD-Mini LED technology and advanced gaming features typically place the TCL QM851G in a higher price range compared to entry-level LED TVs. It may not fit every budget.

  1. Local Dimming Performance:

Cons: While QD-Mini LED enhances contrast, the effectiveness of local dimming can vary. Some users may notice slight blooming or halo effects in very dark scenes.

  1. Smart TV Interface Navigation:

Cons: While Google TV is generally user-friendly, some users may find the interface occasionally sluggish or prone to lag, depending on firmware updates and app optimizations.

  1. Sound Quality:

Cons: Built-in speakers may not match the visual quality, especially for those seeking a more immersive audio experience. External speakers or a soundbar may be necessary for optimal sound quality.


  • Usage and Preferences: Consider your specific needs, such as gaming requirements, viewing habits (e.g., HDR content), and integration with other smart devices.
  • Budget and Value: Evaluate whether the features and performance justify the price point for your intended use. Compare with alternatives to find the best value proposition.

Overall, the TCL QM851G QD-Mini LED TV stands out for its impressive display technology, advanced gaming capabilities, and smart TV features. It offers a premium viewing experience suitable for both entertainment enthusiasts and gamers looking for high-quality visuals and immersive content consumption. However, potential buyers should weigh the pros and cons based on their individual priorities and expectations to make an informed purchasing decision.

Read Also: TCL QM851G QD-Mini LED TV Key Specifications and Features

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